Friday, Sep 20, 2024

3 Side Hustles You Can Do as a Couple

Side hustles are becoming more prevalent in society than ever before. There are side hustles for just about every type of person, and new ones are being created every single day. Some ambitous individuals are even able to turn a side hustle into a lucrative full time job.  Most people equate side hustling with being a solopreneur or working by yourself. However, that’s just not true. There are plenty of side hustles for couples — you just have to choose the right side hustles!

Side Hustles for Couples

If you are side hustling alone, that means more time not spent with your spouse, which can seriously put a damper on any relationship. If you’re away all day for your 9-5 job and then have to work by yourself on your side hustle, your relationship may be seriously damaged.  After all, spending time together is one of the best ways to build and maintain a strong relationship.

The absolute best part of finding a side hustle for couples is that you inherently get to spend more time together. Sure, it’s not a candlelit dinner or a walk on the beach, but time spent together is time well spent.  Plus, watching your business grow together and being successful is fun and gives you something in common to share and strive for.

Just about any side hustle can be done as a couple, but some just are naturally easier with two people than others.  Here is a list of the top three side hustles you can do as a couple!

Etsy Shop

Do you and your spouse like crafts or have a special knack for making something unique? Have you ever thought about monetizing that hobby? In this guide, the author outlines how she turned $0.30 into $5,000 in just four months. That is an incredibly profitable side hustle. Of course, starting this kind of business may be difficult if you both don’t love crafts already. That said, there are thousands of shops on Etsy selling everything under the sun.

From Budgeting PDF templates to handmade soap, no hobby is too niche to try to sell on Etsy.

Both you and your spouse can each have specific responsibilities for your Etsy shop. Maybe one person is more tech savvy so they can handle uploading and marketing the products while the other person focuses on creating the item.  My friend from college opened a crystal Etsy shop with her spouse.  She handles the marketing and customer service aspect of the business.  He finds the crystals, polishes them, and takes the photos.  Their shop has had over 1,000 sales, and their business is thriving.

Real Estate

Side Hustles for Couples
Photo by Maurice Williams on Unsplash

Real estate is a side hustle that pretty quickly can turn into your main hustle. If you feel like getting inspired by a couple who did just that, check out the BiggerPockets Business Podcast where J and Carol Scott talk about their house flipping business and interview others who have had success in their own endeavors.

3 Side Hustles You Can Do as a Couple

If you decide to get into flipping, both spouses can put in the extra hours of painting, remodeling, and staging to get the final product to where it needs to be.

The beauty of real estate is that there are so many different ways to invest. From wholesaling to Airbnb arbitrage, there is bound to be a way that sparks both you and your spouse’s interest.

If one of you is more people-oriented, maybe that person can be the deal finder and negotiator while if the other is more technical oriented, he or she could run the numbers to make sure you are proceeding with the best deals only.

My aunt and uncle switched careers midlife and both went into real estate.  They worked as a team.  He showed the houses and was the “people person,” while she did the paperwork, connected with mortgage companies, and did all the behind the scenes work.  In this way, they were each able to play to their strengths, while the other person handled the areas they were weaker in.

Regardless of the method, real estate investing is a great way to get all hands on deck and spend your extra side hustling hours together!

Retail Arbitrage

Retail arbitrage means reselling an item for more than you purchased it for. This can even be done with something found in a dumpster!  No, seriously, Financial Panther tells you exactly how he made over $1,000 through his trash treasures in this article.

This has the best margins of any business out there. No startup cost, just find something, clean it up and take a picture of it to hopefully sell it. If you would rather avoid a dumpster, there are still plenty of ways to acquire highly desired items for cheap. Gary Vaynerchuk shows you how to approach yard sales in the following video where he states that he himself (despite being a multi-millionaire) still likes to do this side hustle for fun.

One person can be the finder, and one person can stage the photo. Or both of you can try to find items together and then work together to take the most visually appealing picture to get the item to sell.

Bonus Hustle: Flip Vintage Comic Books for Profit

Flipping comic books sounds a lot easier to do than it actually is in reality. The good news is that you can use superhero film announcement hype as a temporary barometer of the collectibles market. Whenever one of these films is announced, there is a corresponding spike in the market. Hyped-up fans begin buying the source comic books that inspire the films.

Firstly, you need to get a regular inventory. People give away comic book collections, or sell them cheaply, all the time at yard sales or on online social media sites. Learn about comic book fans and the auction sites where they look for old comics to buy.

Check the value of the comics you source for free on an online comic book price guide. Then, work your connections and sell them.

Final Thoughts

Don’t let side hustling take up all your free time alone. Start a side business that allows you and your spouse to work together and utilize both sets of strengths to maximize profit potential. The three side hustles listed above are great ways to start spending more time with your spouse and also make some extra cash!

However, remember this isn’t a definitive list.  There are many, many ways couples can work a side hustle together.  You just need to be aware of what you’re both interested and skilled in and find a side hustle that matches those strengths.  If you give one of these side hustles a shot or find another one, let us know how it went in the comment section!

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By: Melissa Batai
Title: 3 Side Hustles You Can Do as a Couple
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Published Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2023 19:14:39 +0000

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