Friday, Sep 20, 2024

Four Tips For Newly Married Couples

I really like Kiplinger’s personal finance. Its mostly pretty solid advice from people who know what they are talking about. So, for today’s posting here is a quick three minute video with four finance tips for newlyweds. While the tips are designed for people who are newly a couple – they can apply to anyone in a committed relationship who wants to better integrate their finances.

Since not all of our readers have access to video, the tips are summarized below:

1. Live on one salary and save the other. Don’t assume your earnings will be consistent. After all, you never know what could happen. One partner might want to go back to school or one of you might get laid off. If you have enough savings to replace your lost salary, you have a lot more options.

2. Max out on retirement savings. Nobody but you will cover your retirement. Make your savings goal at least 10% of your combined gross incomes.

3. Don’t succumb to lifestyle inflation. Instead of spending more money on consumer electronics or eating out, focus on budgeting your incomes to pay down debt and build your savings.

4. Get some insurance. You’ll need protection against catastrophic health/medical bills or long term disability. Life insurance can come later.

5. Meet regularly and talk about money.  Set a time every week or every two weeks to talk about what’s going on in your marriage financially.

Looking for More Ideas, consider reading these:

Ten Essential Tips For Couples

Here is What Dave Ramsey’s Take On Marriage is Missing

Getting Together, Getting Hitched: Questions To Ask Yourself When You Get Married

Read More
By: James Hendrickson
Title: Four Tips For Newly Married Couples
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Published Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2023 00:34:39 +0000