Saturday, Sep 21, 2024

How to Spark Your Spouse’s Interest in Investing in Your Hobby

Hobbies can be an excellent way to relax and engage in an enjoyable activity. In addition, investing in your hobby is one of the best ways to spend your hard-earned money. However, for some couples, too much time spent on a hobby can breed resentment and anger. Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way; you can spend time on your hobby and maintain a healthy marriage.

How to Spark Your Spouse’s Interest in Investing in Your Hobby

If your hobby is causing tension in your relationship, try these tactics to restore marital harmony.

Become Interested in Your Spouse’s Hobby

Does your spouse have a hobby? Do you encourage her to spend time and money on the activity? Do you show interest in her pursuit and talk to her about it? If you don’t do any of these things, try taking an active interest in what interests her.

Even if you don’t share a passion for the same activities, you can show interest in one another’s hobbies. Sometimes what you perceive as anger when you spend time on activities is actually frustration that you don’t take an interest in her interests and only speak of your own.

Explain Why the Hobby Is Important to You

Another strategy is to explain to your spouse why the hobby is important to you. For instance, if your hobby is running, you can tell your spouse that running every evening helps you release stress, which also maintains your health.

Or you like hiking and have joined a hiking group. Let your spouse know that you look forward to hiking all week and that you’ve met friends through the hiking group, which is good for your mood and mindset.

Make Money from Your Hobby

Loom with the tools for making a rug

If your spouse is frugal, one way you can convince him investing in your hobby is a good idea is to make money from your hobby. For instance, Jackie works full-time but enjoys dyeing wool and creating wool rugs in her spare time. At first, her husband complained about her hobby and how much it costs.

However, two years ago, Jackie realized she was making more wool rugs than she had room for in her house, so she started an Etsy store. Now, selling her rugs pays for all the supplies she needs and nets her a nice profit every year. She and her husband use the proceeds from her rug sales for vacations and have been to several European countries. Her husband never complains about her hobby anymore.

Final Thoughts

Investing in your hobbies through time and money can benefit your physical and emotional health. However, if your spouse disagrees, try using these strategies to help him see the worth of your pursuits and why you should continue. Of course, you should encourage your spouse to have a hobby, too.

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By: Melissa Batai
Title: How to Spark Your Spouse’s Interest in Investing in Your Hobby
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Published Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2023 18:01:23 +0000

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