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Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Buyer For Your Business

The Buyer persona greatly facilitates marketing. You must still make a mistake in creating your typical buyer profiles. Without experience in creating a buyer persona, we can fall into classic errors. Not only are the desired effects compromised, but they can also harm your business. Your company can go in the wrong direction and adopt a tone that does not correspond to it by concluding too hastily.

Too unilateral research and data collection

Before a company embarks on the development of typical buyer profiles, it must first collect data. It takes time and work and only works if you work on multiple channels. Beginners often want to opt for ease by simply considering information from Web analytics and avoiding any direct exchange with consumers. Others use too small samples, interview only a handful of people, and base their profiles on this experience and minimal data. To create good buyer personas, however, you must sweep as widely as possible.

Achieve unnecessary group analysis by collecting average values

Collecting as much data as possible is essential, but one must also not make the mistake of being too strongly influenced by statistical surveys. The buyer personas must correspond to real profiles, not leading to a grouping of average values. If you only calculate average values and create different profiles from them, your work will ultimately only look like a group analysis.

To be too creative in the constitution of buyer personas

If it is not advisable to focus too much on average values, in return, you should not be overwhelmed by too much creativity.
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It quickly happens that we get lost in creating profiles by developing stories that no longer have any relation to the initial information. Always keep tangible information as a basis. Otherwise, the resulting measures may go in the wrong direction. And this can be fatal because marketing will then completely miss out on the real interested parties, the profile created having nothing in common with them.

Too superficial sample profiles

It can be challenging to devote a lot of time to creating buyers’ personas since this operation only indirectly increases turnover. Typical buyer profiles happen quickly and ultimately contain very little usable information.

However, a buyer persona is only valuable if the profile has excellent informative value. If the profile remains superficial, it becomes difficult to adapt its marketing precisely. We then lose all the advantages that a good persona offers.

Create too many buyer personas or not enough

Often, we want to avoid forgetting types and therefore position ourselves as widely as possible. However, this does not allow you to develop a detailed marketing strategy. It is even the opposite: nobody feels concerned in the end.

Conversely, if you have created too few profiles, for example, only one, you risk not reaching many potential buyers. The marketing strategy is too specific: you gain a very limited clientele, which could have been larger. Note, however, that it is generally preferable to start small, for example, with three personas, then develop new ones when you have the capacity.

Buyer personas in practice

Buyer personas should not be used as an end in themselves: they are a tool for developing a customer-oriented marketing strategy.
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The buyer persona can almost be considered a direct interlocutor when developing his plan. Marketing measures must then focus on the person represented and persuade or convince them to buy. When creating your strategy, you must always ask yourself the question: what is the current situation of the buyer persona? How can we encourage him to take advantage of our offer?

With these considerations in mind, it is easier to give the right impetus. It gets straight to the point and avoids overloading interested people with unnecessary information. By presenting the offer step by step, customers are more likely to be satisfied.

The way to address your target is also more easily defined. If you have a tangible (albeit imaginary) person in mind, it’s easier to set the right tone. The messages are better adapted by putting themselves in the place of typical buyers. All the resulting marketing measures benefit from this.

With buyer personas, you can easily tailor your advertising efforts, marketing strategies, and content creation to specific types of buyers. By having a particular example of people in mind and not an unknown mass, the overall design of your business is much better optimized.

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By: Complete Controller
Title: Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Buyer For Your Business
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Published Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:00:45 +0000

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