Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025

EXCLUSIVE: BPro’s TotalVote Used in Multiple States in the US, Allows the Installation of “Plug-Ins” that Can Be Used to Manipulate Election Data

This report was developed by election experts in New Mexico and Hawaii with special recognition to Attorney David Clements and his wife Erin. 

Election Experts in Hawaii discovered that the TotalVote election system used in the state can backdate election records.  This isn’t all that it can do. 

Yesterday TGP reported on the TotalVote election system in Hawaii which is connected to the Internet, is not certified, and can backdate election records.

EXCLUSIVE: ELECTION SYSTEM DISCOVERED – Used in MULTIPLE States – Internet Connected, Uncertified, and Accessible to Numerous Govt Agencies and Outside Entities

There is much more to this story. It is much deeper than proving Hawaii’s voter rolls have backdated election entries.  We learned from experts in Hawaii that all the suspicious entries were added with a single computer.

The UUID format used in Hawaii is created by a software component called a “plug-in.” Plug-ins are software libraries that can be loaded and run by an existing computer program and they can be customized.   Common examples of plug-ins are ad blockers or promo code finders that can be used to customize a web browser.

The fact that BPro software allows plug-ins to operate within their software system is a massive security vulnerability. 

A plug-in could be added at any time after the initial software installation and the customer, and even the software developer, would never know.

Plug-ins are reloaded every time a piece of software is restarted.

The concern for election infrastructure using BPro/KnowINK products is this: 

Plug-ins can easily be swapped out as needed to rig an election or manipulate the way a voter roll was being consolidated.   Plug-ins are vulnerable in any election where the computer software plug-in is running, and the system is internet-connected.

An opportunity for bad actors to rig or modify the election infrastructure recently occurred in New Mexico’s elections.  Below is an email that reminded county clerks and KnowINK that there was a planned system outage of their version of BPro’s TotalVote called SERVIS.

EXCLUSIVE: BPro’s TotalVote Used in Multiple States in the US, Allows the Installation of “Plug-Ins” that Can Be Used to Manipulate Election Data

This email was from New Mexico SOS, Maggie Toulouse Oliver, to county clerks and vendors about a planned outage on election day.

The shocking thing about this planned outage was that it took place one hour before the close of polls on election day. There is no honest explanation why the Secretary of State would plan a system outage of the software that is supporting the entire election during a time when it is most important that the election run smoothly.

This planned outage would make sense, however, if the Secretary of State knew that a plug-in was running on the system, and it needed to be updated to clean up any loose ends in a pre-planned rig of that election.  Poll workers have testified to similar outages occurring in other states on election day.

New Mexico’s audit proved impossible manipulation of their voter rolls – from registration spikes occurring in a uniform fashion across all 33 counties.  The groundbreaking revelation of “plug-ins” provides a possible explanation for uniformity in New Mexico’s disastrous voter rolls.

EXCLUSIVE: BPro’s TotalVote Used in Multiple States in the US, Allows the Installation of “Plug-Ins” that Can Be Used to Manipulate Election Data

Nearly-identical, daily registration patterns typical of all counties in NM

In Hawaii, election experts who discovered this issue with backdated registrations alerted Hawaii’s election officials. Instead of taking these concerns seriously and investigating who or what was manipulating Hawaii’s rolls – election officials simply swapped out all UUIDs that could be decoded for a different version that does not allow the time the UUID was created to be determined. At best, this is egregious database practice and destroyed chain of custody for 25% of Hawaii’s rolls. At worst, they know the rolls are being manipulated and are trying to cover it up.

Americans are fed up with concerns about our election systems being glossed over and covered up by their elected representatives.

Proof that BPro is allowing a plug-in to backdate registration entries in Hawaii, the fact that uncertified software is being used for election management across the country, and unexplained outages during critical times should be enough to shut down the use of any all-inclusive, centralized, internet-connected software.

Voters in all states using software like this must contact their elected officials immediately and let them know we are not going to put up with them playing fast and loose with the security of our elections anymore.

The post EXCLUSIVE: BPro’s TotalVote Used in Multiple States in the US, Allows the Installation of “Plug-Ins” that Can Be Used to Manipulate Election Data appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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By: Joe Hoft
Title: EXCLUSIVE: BPro’s TotalVote Used in Multiple States in the US, Allows the Installation of “Plug-Ins” that Can Be Used to Manipulate Election Data
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Published Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:00:43 +0000