Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025

John Katchelman: The “Beardless” Goal of Political Persection in the Age of Trump

Guest post by John Katchelman, Jr.

Political persecution is as old as man’s civilization. Historically is has been the instrument for oppression, suppression and depression. There is never any good that results from its exercise. Those exercising it will always face a violent rebound as Wisdom counsels, “One who digs a pit will fall into it, and one who rolls a stone, it will come back on him” (The Bible, Proverbs 26:27).

The practical impact of political revenge (persecution; terrorism) is summarized by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “Surrender one hair, and you’ll end up beardless.” Solzhenitsyn is eminently qualified to speak bluntly about the terrors of political persecution.

The political persecution begins with minimal moves but has a deliberate agenda. Little-by-little, whisker-by-whisker eventually the cunning feat is completed. Today’s political terrorists utilize a feigned legality that is wielded by a compromised federal agency. Nefarious actions are announced as “justice” and defended as “protecting democracy.” But…it is still “surrendering one hair at a time, leading our nation to beardlessness.” Some condemn this analysis as “simplistic.” The protest fails to understand that life’s principles are simple. A contortion of simple principles leads to confused complications. The truism counsels, “Tell the truth and you don’t have to remember much!” When you tell a lie, you must navigate the evolving narrative to make it convincing—but there is always inconsistency that befouls the evil agenda of political hit-jobs.

The amazing idiocy of this dastardly act is that when one first fails, he tries again. When he fails the second time, he tries again. When he fails the third time…ad infinitum. The failed political hit-jobs continue. And idiots claim to be intelligent and experienced! Such are amazing fools.

A Biblical reference

The prophet Jeremiah is one of myriads having faced historical political hits. He is known as the “weeping Prophet” because of his political situation. In Jeremiah 20, the prophet faces the political terrorist named “Pashhur.” This guy was connected—he was the chief overseer in the house of the Lord. He heard Jeremiah and did not like what he heard. So, he decided to cancel the prophet. He had Jeremiah beaten and put into stocks. Jeremiah said, “I have become a laughingstock; everyone mocks me. Each time I speak it results in taunting and derision. I have heard the whispering of many who bring terror on every side. They cry out, ‘Let us denounce him so that we may prevail against him and take our revenge on him’.”

The prophet was innocent. He just happened to “rock the boat” of those in high political places; he threatened their power and prestige. Surrounded by the “unfriendlies” is never a comfortable or convenient situation. But what was he to do? Surrender to the political terrorists? Compromise the basic foundation of truth? Cower in silence? The politicians’ strategy is practiced today, ‘Let us denounce him so that we may prevail against him and take our revenge on him’.

A secular reference

There are scores of historical antidotes illustrating the foolishness of political terrorism sent to “hit” and destroy political enemies. The one constant in this historical record is that “justice” is misused to justify an immoral and illegal action and ultimately destroy civility.

From recent history let me illustrate with a Presidential election from 2020. It is a narrative filled with tales of fear and violence. Read the below bullet points and ask with incredulity, “Is this possible in our times?” Not only is it possible but it is documented with these facts:

  • Jails and detention centers are holding hundreds of people described as political prisoners.
  • Thousands were thrown into crowded prisons when they denounced the presidential election as rigged.
  • Reports suggested beatings and torture were rife.
  • Arrests and jail terms continue.
  • Video confessions have been made under duress.
  • The “President” announced that protesters had “crossed many red lines and crossed boundaries of common sense and human morality.”
  • Confessions of guilt resulted because people were threatened with violence.
  • Inside the jail is hard emotional pressure: “it’s shouting, they’re very rude, sometimes they smack you or beat you a little bit – the main feeling is that you do not belong to yourself.”
  • The arrests continue and more are threatened; Political dissidents are still being sentenced.
  • A former candidate faces charges including “conspiracy to seize power through unconstitutional means.”
  • Journalists have been targeted.
  • You don’t need to be a high-profile dissident to get prosecuted. One was arrested for supporting protesters with a red-and-white “paper banner” and a woman wearing red-and-white socks was fined under the laws of unauthorized

Welcome to the violent reality of political terrorism as “hits” are assigned by the ruling elites to fall upon those who oppose their immoral, criminal and inhumane actions.

A face of political persecution

Aleksandar Solzhenitsyn is the face of political revenge. Solzhenitsyn personifies the target of the political elites in their feeding-frenzy to intimidate, silence and terminate all voices of opposition. This heroic man offers insight to the tyranny of the political elite. From Solzhenitsyn’s writings comes these poignant quotes:

  • A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.
  • The name of ‘reform’ simply covers what is latently a process of the theft of the national heritage.
  • Surrender one hair, and you’ll end up beardless.
  • If we live in a state of constant fear, can we remain human?
  • The solemn pledge to abstain from telling the truth was called socialist realism.

The Apex of the Epitome of political bitterness, anger, and hatred

In recent days it has been “slipped” that the unjust NYC grand jury will announce indictments against President Trump.

The grand jury has not completed its work but the verdict is already settled! There has been a repulsive jubilant applause from the progressive left. Perhaps the best summary is found in in the vitriol of PELOSI: “He cannot hide from his violations of the law, disrespect for our elections and incitements to violence.” Insightful to this evil rejoicing was this published article: “He Cannot Hide From His Violations of the Law” – Nancy Pelosi Trashes Trump as Soros-Backed DA Alvin Bragg Prepares to Bring Charges, By Cristina Laila Mar. 18, 2023 7:30 pm.

The only answer I can give to Pelosi’s vituperation is to remind the reader of the opening paragraph: Political persecution is as old as man’s civilization. There is never any good that results from its exercise. Those exercising it will always face a violent rebound as Wisdom counsels, “One who digs a pit will fall into it, and one who rolls a stone, it will come back on him” (The Bible, Proverbs 26:27).

A basic truth in life…let the one seething with vitriol and stating that, “He cannot hide from his violations of the law, disrespect for our elections and incitements to violence” understand the dug pit and the rolled stone is destined to engulf and destroy such a one bitterly seeking political revenge.

Be certain of this ABSOLUTE FACT…the political hit-jobs that have been contracted to ruin and terminate President Trump, and the patriotic energy surrounding him, have failed. None have succeeded. Now another political hit is contracted.

History is recording the machinations of this evil. History will highlight the names of those identified with this evil shame.

The post John Katchelman: The “Beardless” Goal of Political Persection in the Age of Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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By: Jim Hoft
Title: John Katchelman: The “Beardless” Goal of Political Persection in the Age of Trump
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Published Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 23:15:32 +0000

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