Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025

Political Prisoner Kenneth Joseph Thomas a Veteran and Father of Four Did Not Enter US Capitol, Did Not Attack Police, Faces 30 Years in Prison

Guest Writer Mel Hawley

In less than a month, K. Joseph Thomas faces a judge and jury for 12 federal charges surrounding his attendance at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Joseph estimates he faces 30 years in prison. As a husband, father of four, and home for his father-in-law on hospice, he is anxious about the well-being of the family for whom he is the only breadwinner.

With the full weight of a politically weaponized government on his back, Joseph knows he is going into the fire, but that has never stopped him before.

Political Prisoner Kenneth Joseph Thomas a Veteran and Father of Four Did Not Enter US Capitol, Did Not Attack Police, Faces 30 Years in Prison

Throughout his life, Joe has achieved many accomplishments. In the US Navy, he served in Afghanistan and Iraq (OEF and OIF). He married, and while raising their four children, earned a Bachelor’s degree studying anthropology, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. He wanted to understand man and to be able to translate the Bible himself from the original scriptures, which he has accomplished. Joe enjoys referring to himself as a “slack-jawed yokel from West Virginia,” but he is, nonetheless, a member of MENSA at the highest level.

Political Prisoner Kenneth Joseph Thomas a Veteran and Father of Four Did Not Enter US Capitol, Did Not Attack Police, Faces 30 Years in Prison

Joe and his wife run a Christian-based dog rescue on their property. Currently, he works tirelessly and unrelentingly in the field as an electrical engineer, always going above and beyond for his company.  Furthermore, Joe is an independent Christian minister and frequently preaches on Sundays in local churches.

Political Prisoner Kenneth Joseph Thomas a Veteran and Father of Four Did Not Enter US Capitol, Did Not Attack Police, Faces 30 Years in Prison

A few weeks ago, Joe’s sermon was interrupted by an alert that a neighboring home was on fire.  In typical fashion, Joe ran into the fire. Tragically, the heat, fire, and smoke were overwhelming, and the family lost their grandmother. The family reached out shortly afterward and asked Joe to perform her funeral. It would be his first, and he directed all his extra time that week in preparation to make it a beautiful and uplifting goodbye. See Joseph’s interrupted sermon here.

When Joe joined the US Navy, he took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution.  His naval training taught him to run toward the fire, to help the defenseless.  On January 6, 2021, he did just that.

Joe attended President Donald J. Trump’s speech at the Ellipse on that fateful day. Cognizant of possible threats from groups such as Antifa, he made it a point to be especially aware of his surroundings.

Upon seeing a lone backpack hanging 8 feet high in a tree, he alerted US Secret Service Agents.  They were nonplussed. Joe found several box cutters and turned them over to the Secret Service, as well.

** Click here to support K. Joseph Thomas’ legal team and living expenses.

After the speech ended, Joe followed the crowd who had been invited by the president to protest peacefully and patriotically at the US Capitol.  They were in no hurry. It was a beautiful, patriotic day. They walked along under an immense American flag as it was carried to the Capitol. By the time they drew near, the smell of tear gas and the noise of explosions gave Joe concern, and he ran toward the fire.

Arriving at the Capitol after 3 pm, and well after Congress had evacuated, Joe moved to the front lines of the action.  He preached “No violence!” and “We back the blue!”

Political Prisoner Kenneth Joseph Thomas a Veteran and Father of Four Did Not Enter US Capitol, Did Not Attack Police, Faces 30 Years in Prison

He took pipes away from people and handed them to the police.  He defended an elderly man lying on the ground, bleeding from his head after being struck by police. Joe never entered the Capitol building and never attacked a police officer, but they wielded their batons freely over the back of his head. He recorded several hours of video on his phone that day. Watch some of that here.

Read what happened next in Joe’s own words:

Weeks later, I was made aware that my picture appeared on the FBI’s Most Wanted List posted on Facebook. As a result, I sought legal counsel who advised me to let them find me themselves. Soon afterward, I began noticing signs I was being surveilled.

Early one morning in May 2021, while on the road for work, I was caught off guard by a flash bang grenade and shouts from a fully armed FBI counterterrorism SWAT team to get down. I fully cooperated, immediately, without resistance. They then executed a search warrant collecting clothing and electronic devices from my hotel room.

After my arrest, I was released on a personal recognizance bond.  I knew that I was one of the fortunate ones. Furthermore, I knew God wanted me out for a reason.

Aside from being able to continue to support my wife, four children, and father-in-law, who lives with us on hospice, I felt there was another purpose for my freedom, albeit limited due to bond restraints.  That summer, I heard a recording of the DC political prisoners singing the Star-Spangled Banner from their cells. I found my calling to use the gift of freedom for the good of others being persecuted.

I decided that a peaceful protest calling for Americans to sing the National Anthem nightly in solidarity with the Jan. 6 hostages was the mission God was calling me to start.  I call this campaign #Sing4Freedom.

Ultimately, I hope it continues to spread across the country with people sharing their videos via social media with that hashtag. It not only brings awareness to the injustice of their persecution, but it shows their families that Americans stand with them. Please show them they are not alone and join in on the peaceful protest #Sing4Freedom.

Learn more about #sing4freedom.

You might ask why I went to the Capitol on January 6th. The answer is simple. I did it for Old Glory. I swore an oath to defend the constitution and simply asked our representatives to represent the will of the people and investigate the election before rubber stamping it.

Over the past 2 years, the court has delayed my hearings as they seek evidence to convict on my now 12 federal charges. Recently, I fired my public defender and hope to raise enough funds for my newly hired private counsel. You can support me here.

If you are unable to help financially, I ask that you please pray for my family and all the J6 political prisoners, defendants, and their families.

Hear more of Joe’s story in this interview:


The tyrannical government has not let up on this man who served his nation and loves God and country. As has been typical in J6 cases, acceptance of plea offers would be tantamount to lying, and therefore sinful in nature. Rejecting these pleas results in more charges.  It’s a no-win situation. Joe knows his earthly freedom is soon ending. He won’t back down. He considers this his Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo moment.

Please consider a financial donation, if you are able, to ease some of his anxiety as he goes into the fire, taking on the tyrannical government, head-on, in the fight of his lifetime.

** Click here to support K. Joseph Thomas’ legal team and living expenses.

The post Political Prisoner Kenneth Joseph Thomas a Veteran and Father of Four Did Not Enter US Capitol, Did Not Attack Police, Faces 30 Years in Prison appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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By: Alicia Powe
Title: Political Prisoner Kenneth Joseph Thomas a Veteran and Father of Four Did Not Enter US Capitol, Did Not Attack Police, Faces 30 Years in Prison
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Published Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 14:30:45 +0000

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