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TGP Exclusive Coverage of Historic Lycoming County, PA 2020 Presidential Election Recount

TGP Exclusive Coverage of Historic Lycoming County, PA 2020 Presidential Election Recount

Lycoming County, Pennsylvania

By Nick Mastrangelo

This week, The Gateway Pundit’s Nick Mastrangelo attended the Lycoming County, Pennsylvania recount of the nearly 60,000 ballots cast in the 2020 Presidential Election.  The recount was done by hand and was completed in 2.5 days.  Given that the initial allocation of time for this recount was 3 weeks, the recount greatly outperformed expectations- clobbering any narrative that insists, “hand counting is too slow.”

Attorney Karen DiSalvo and Jeff Stroehmann, among other conservative names in Lycoming County, have committed many hours to this important endeavor.  This recount can be described as “just one piece of the puzzle.” It did not include an analysis of the tally sheets put out by the voting machines, among other key vehicles for voting (such as mail-in ballots.)

Forrest Lehman, Lycoming County Director of Elections, had a direct hand in not turning over these tally sheets.  A right-to-know request has been filed by Attorney DiSalvo.

A right-to-know request has been filed by Attorney Karen DiSalvo.

There was an initial feeling of indifference towards conducting a recount from Lycoming County Commissioner Tony Mussare.  He had confidence in the security of the 2020 Election in Lycoming County and a recount of this nature was not likely to turn up any significant issues of fraud or inconsistencies.  Furthermore hesitation came from the prospect of conducting such a recount might put republicans/conservatives in the light of “being a sore loser” or “trying to overturn an election.”

TGP Exclusive Coverage of Historic Lycoming County, PA 2020 Presidential Election Recount

Lycoming County Commissioner Tony Mussare

Commissioner Mussare ultimately agreed to the recount saying, “It was what our constituents wanted, and I am a representative of our constituents.”

He then described the statewide issues that came out of the 2020 Presidential Election in PA including the counting of mail-in ballots after the date of the election went directly against Pennsylvania State Law.

The recount itself, and the pace at which it was completed, were huge victories in the battle for restoring and maintaining a high degree of bi-partisan confidence in our elections.

There will be a “findings discussion” held by Lycoming County Director of Elections Forrest Lehman on Tuesday, January 24th.

The post TGP Exclusive Coverage of Historic Lycoming County, PA 2020 Presidential Election Recount appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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By: Assistant Editor
Title: TGP Exclusive Coverage of Historic Lycoming County, PA 2020 Presidential Election Recount
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Published Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 14:00:00 +0000

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