Friday, Mar 14, 2025

Cool Ranch: The Perfect Southern California Pool Is Behind a Midcentury in the Valley

Settle into a chaise in this groovy oasis with original artwork and colorful details.

Jessica and Art Martinez knew when they moved to Van Nuys that one day they would have a pool. Architect Kenneth Lind had designed their 1953 ranch home to embrace the backyard of the nearly quarter-acre lot, but unlike many of the neighbors, previous owners never put in a pool. By the time the couple bought the house, what might once have been a lush rear garden was, to put it bluntly, a wreck. "It was dirt, dying plants, and a small collection of sad citrus trees competing for light underneath a giant walnut tree," Jessica recalls. Adds Art, "And because we’d demoed the rotting skeleton of the old fence, we could see right into our neighbor’s kitchen. It was like, ‘Oh, John’s making dinner.’"

Playing off the design of the concrete pad outside the living room, Frank laid out a series of stepping stones that lead from the house to the pool.

Jessica, who teaches gender and women’s studies, and Art, a podcaster, had hired designer Jared Frank to restore and update the house with an eye to its history and had happily settled in with their dog, Mabel. But every day, the joyless specter of the backyard was visible through the living room’s glass sliders.

Cool Ranch: The Perfect Southern California Pool Is Behind a Midcentury in the Valley

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By: Kelly Vencill Sanchez
Title: Cool Ranch: The Perfect Southern California Pool Is Behind a Midcentury in the Valley
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Published Date: Tue, 07 May 2024 12:02:19 GMT