Anyone using WhatsApp should know that their chats and calls are end-to-end encrypted, just like on iMessage and Signal. It's a security feature WhatsApp had before Meta bought the app. It's also probably the reason WhatsApp was the only encrypted chat app Meta operated for so long. Facebook Messenger started rolling out end-to-end encryption only a few months ago.
Since encryption is a strong selling point of WhatsApp, you might think the feature doesn't need advertising. Chats and calls will remain end-to-end encrypted despite insert reason to worry. And some users did have reasons to worry not too long ago.
Remember when Meta (then Facebook) made that controversial privacy change to WhatsApp a few years ago? And now, Meta is getting ready to support third-party chats in WhatsApp in the EU.
Meta will continue to reinforce its commitment to end-to-end encryption whenever it has to discuss security- and privacy-related WhatsApp matters.
With that in mind, I think WhatsApp reminding users that their chat apps are end-to-end encrypted from within the chat app is a good practice. One that should be available on iPhone and Android soon.
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By: Chris Smith
Title: WhatsApp chats might tell you if they’re end-to-end encrypted
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Published Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 23:51:00 +0000