Saturday, Oct 5, 2024

China big trends 2023

China big trends 2023

10 biggest China trends for 2023!

#chinasnewnormal #chinatrends
00:00 What are the 10 mega trends for China in 2023? This video is about 10 trends in 10 areas: Politics, Economy, Trade, Business, Consumers, Finance, Security, Society, Markets and Technology
01:20 TRENS IN CHINA POLITICS 2023. The trend is about tackling domestic problems such as COVID after opening up, Systemic problems, Bubbles and long-term challenges. For 2023, the involvement of government in private business will continue, This signals the end of an era of gold diggers coming to China to take advantage of Chinese miracle.
04:08 TRENS IN CHINESE ECONOMY 2023. The trend will be to continue building on the dual circulation concept to fuel domestic consumption and stay open to the world at same time. 2023 will be all about recovery of China's economy. Incentives and policies to get consumption, manufacturing, all industries and entrepreneurs back on track to grow the country again. 2023 will be the end of a control cycle and the beginning of a new cycle of growth and positive investments and FDI. The trend will start at 2 sessions at NPC.
07:12 TRENS IN CHINA'S TRADE 2023. In 2022, there was the start of a global reshuffling, where inflation, recession, friend-shoring, decoupling and new alliances between China and the global South are redefining priorities on trade. This is the start of a New World Order of Trade. The cheap factory of the world will move away from China or focus more on the Global South, while China will focus more on high-end quality exports to the West.
10:05 TRENS IN CHINA BUSINESS 2023. Companies doing business in China will be tempted to double down on local market or feel they better leave China. All will be based on Made-in-China, build in China for China. Business trend for 2023 is all about full localisation of management.
12:52 TRENS IN CHINA'S CONSUMERS 2023. Gen-Z is starting to join the workforce in China. This the start of new trend of creativity and cultural awareness as well as entrepreneurship. This will fuel the lifestyle industry further as well as a big boom of the Metaverse. 2023 is the end of the crazy rat race of China and the beginning of a more balanced lifestyle.
16:16 TRENS IN CHINA'S FINANCE 2023. De-dollarisation trend is going to accelerate in 2023. This will be driven by alternative new coins such as BRICS+ coin or CBDC availability in many countries as well as the internationalisation of the Chinese RMB. 2023 will be the beginning of Fintech 2.0 where data is becoming the goldmine China wants to mine to become a financial powerhouse.
19:06 TRENS IN CHINA'S SECURITY 2023. Since the war in Ukraine the world is looking at global security different. For the non-Western countries, this is about re-enforcing exiting and creating new collaborations between non-western countries. This is visible at SCO, GSI, Belt & Road initiatives as well as how the world, especially Asia, looks at containing Taiwan security risk. 2023 is the start of a multipolar world where peaceful coexistence is being preferred over military expansion and protection of US/NATO.
22:12 TRENS IN CHINESE SOCIETY 2023. In 2023, China will re-enforce its socialist safety net to protect vulnerable of society. This includes poor, weak, uneducated, but also just graduated. The focus will be on increasing affordability and inclusivity. Ideology will be a priority towards the lower-end of society, while middle class needs to keep economy running. This is the start of the ear of common prosperity.
24:44 TRENS IN CHINA'S MARKETS 2023. The big market trends to watch in China are Smart, clean cities, smart logistics, food and agriculture as well as new energy. The market trends are all about sustainable development of society and markets that enhance that. 2023 will be the application of disruptive technologies like IoT, Big Data, 5G,...into those 4 key markets. This year will be the end of the dumb factory of China and the start of the factory of brains where higher productivity is the main goal.
28:08 TRENS IN CHINA'S TECHNOLOGY 2023. This is the beginning of China China's New Normal 2.0 where China is setting the standard for innovation. The chip war has fuelled the plans to double down once again on local innovation, but mostly it is going to be about embedding technology in everyone's life everywhere. We will see many new apps in the Metaverse come out, as well as more attention and laws around ethics and privacy to sustain the new virtual world. 2023 will be the beginning of the end of full IP dependancy on the West and more homegrown IP to be expected from China.



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