Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025

“Joe Biden’s Like Mr. Magoo…as Idle-Headed as Any President We’ve Ever Seen” – Senator Ted Cruz Indicates Joe Biden Has More Classified Documents Lying Around

Senator Ted Cruz indicates that Joe Biden has more classified documents lying around. 

On his podcast, Senator Ted Cruz shared that Joe Biden is like Mr. Magoo, the absent-minded cartoon character from the 1950s’, when talking about the classified documents he had laying around everywhere at his home and at the U Penn Biden Center.

Cruz shared:

It’s stunning.  Every day it keeps getting worse and worse and worse for Joe Biden.  At this point it’s a level of incompetentce, look we know that  Joe Biden’s like Mr. Magoo…Joe Biden is as idle-headed as any President we’ve ever seen…at this point it’s Keystone Cops.

Western Journal reported on Cruz’s remarks.

In his podcast on Monday, Cruz called on the Justice Department and the FBI to expand their search for classified documents to the University of Delaware, where approximately 1,850 boxes of Biden’s Senate records currently reside.

“Let me tell you what the next step in this scandal is going to be,” the senator said. “The next step in this scandal is going to be, OK, if Biden’s Senate documents include classified documents outside of classified settings — which is illegal — how many more classified documents are illegally in his Senate papers?

“And here’s where this matters in particular, which is the University of Delaware has more than 1,850 boxes of records from Joe Biden’s Senate tenure which he gave to the University of Delaware.”

Cruz continued, “Now the University of Delaware presumably does not have them in a SCIF [sensitive compartmented information facility]. It does not have them in a secure location.

“During the 2020 campaign, there was a concerted media effort to try to get access to those documents in particular, there were allegations of sexual harassment raised against Joe Biden, and the media wanted to examine the documents on those allegations of sexual harassment.

“The University of Delaware has said, ‘Nope.’ They’re not releasing the documents to anybody until two years after Biden retires from public life.”

Then came his call to action: “I am right now calling for the Department of Justice, for the FBI to examine all 1,850 boxes of those Senate records to see how many additional classified documents are in those records.

“The answer should be none. But given Biden’s pattern, we should have zero reason to have any confidence that there are not multiple classified documents within those 1,850 boxes of Senate records.”

Listen to the entire podcast below:

The post “Joe Biden’s Like Mr. Magoo…as Idle-Headed as Any President We’ve Ever Seen” – Senator Ted Cruz Indicates Joe Biden Has More Classified Documents Lying Around appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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By: Joe Hoft
Title: “Joe Biden’s Like Mr. Magoo…as Idle-Headed as Any President We’ve Ever Seen” – Senator Ted Cruz Indicates Joe Biden Has More Classified Documents Lying Around
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Published Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 15:45:00 +0000